Margaret Aberdeen Embracing Change

My Life, My Story

“Life is like a tree growing and harvesting fruits from our life  experiences in living, learning, loving, and laughing with the 4c’s process.”

I’m abundantly grateful for my traumas because without them I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.

LIVING in awareness of each moment as it blossoms and LEARNING from past traumas by consciously plucking out all the weeds and dis-eases in my mind have become my greatest teachers, my pillar of strength.

I stand in awe of gratitude, that the many traumas that nearly broke me, recreated me by “flipping the mirror” on ME, and selfishly LOVING myself is the greatest love of all.

Consciously fertilising and nurturing my mind with the process of Courage, Choices, Commitment to Change by taking full ownership of how I respond to everything I encounter in my life. It was a liberating feeling, that grew stronger by embracing trauma… ALL OF IT!

I now see all my traumas have been a part of my personal and spiritual growth to find my self-worth and heartfelt purpose to live a more conscious fruitful life, and I AM LAUGHING with the freedom of joy and happiness within sharing these fruits (gifts) with YOU!

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