Work with Me
Work with Me
Many of our traumas stem from our childhood, and we tend to blame others for them. What happens to us as children is beyond our control. But NOW as adults, it’s our responsibility to embrace our traumas to thrive and transform our LIFE! And that’s exactly what Margaret did by “flipping the mirror” and going within to have a healthy selfish loving relationship – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for her SELF!
When we are vulnerable, we find compassion for ourselves and we also find it for others It took several life-threatening breakdowns to teach me how to really get to know WHO I AM.
During that time, besides having therapy and multiple medications being pumped into my body. While recovering I spent a lot of time with myself. Listening to myself express my painful emotions and my deepest fears, I began to lose the fear of my own and my vulnerability. In fact, vulnerability came to me at a critical time and seemed to be a mind saver, or better still a life safer. When we allow vulnerability in ourselves, it gives us a chance to connect intimately with ourselves. I used to think that vulnerability was a weakness. However, I have learned that vulnerability is transparent and unknown and played a crucial part in getting to know myself by taking on responsibility as to how to respond to situations that arise in my life and towards others.
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7 Ways to Liberate your MIND from Compulsive Habits!